Laboratory for Pattern Recognition and Biometric Security Systems
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Laboratory head: Prof Dr. Sc. Sloobodan Ribarić, Dipl. Ing. |
Full Professor University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Address: Unska 3, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia Phone: +38516129952 E-mail |
Dr. Slobodan Ribarić is a Full Professor at the Department of Electronics, Microelectronics, Computer and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. His research interests include Pattern Recognition, Computer Architecture, and Biometrics. He has published more than one hundred and forty papers on these topics, he is author of six books and co-author of one (An Introduction to Pattern Recognition). Professor Ribarić was involved in COST Action 275 “Biometrics on the Internet” and Network of Excellence FP6 “Biosecure”. He was a leader of Working group 2 of COST Action 2101 “Biometrics for Identity Documents and Smart Cards”. Ribarić is a member of IEEE and MIPRO.
1. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Arhitektura računala
Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 2004.
2. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Naprednije arhitekture mikroprocesora
Zagreb : Element, 2002.
3. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Naprednije arhitekture mikroprocesora
Zagreb : Element, 1997.
4. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Arhitektura mikroprocesora
Zagreb : Tehnička knjiga, 1990 .
5. Gyrgyek, Ludvik; Pavešić Nikola; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Uvod u raspoznavanje uzoraka : primjena računala i mikroračunala u sustavima za raspoznavanje uzoraka
Zagreb : Tehnička knjiga, 1988 .
6. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Architektury mikroprocesorov
Bratislava, Slovačka : Alfa, 1988 .
7. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Arhitektura mikroprocesora
Zagreb : Tehnička knjiga, 1988 .
8. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Arhitektura računala pete generacije
Zagreb : Tehnička knjiga, 1986 .
9. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Arhitektura mikroprocesora
Zagreb : Tehnička knjiga, 1985 .
10. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Arhitektura mikroprocesora
Zagreb : Tehnička knjiga, 1982 .
Book chapters:
1. Pavešić, Nikola; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Biometric Recognition: An Overview // Identity, Security and Democracy / Mordini, Emilio ; Green Manfred (ed.).
Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2009.
Str. 43-55.
2. Ribarić, Slobodan; Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana; Tomac, Dražen.
Object-Oriented Implementation of a Model for Fuzzy Temporal Reasoning
// Technologies for Constructing Intelligent Systems 1 : Tasks /
B.Bouchon-Menier, B. ; Gutierrez-Rios, J. ; Magdalena, L. ; Yager, R.R.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2002..
Str. 85-98.
3. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Građa računala // Poslovno računarstvo / Čerić, Vlatko ; Varga, Mladen ; Birolla, Hugo (ed.).
Zagreb : Znak, 1998.
Str. 493-524.
4. Ribarić, Slobodan; Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana.
Prikaz vremenskog i vremenski neizrazitog znanja u inteligentnim sustavima // Inteligentno vođenje i inteligentni sustavi / Božićević, Juraj (ed.).
Zagreb : Hrvatsko društvo za sustave, 1998.
Str. 67-72.
5. Ribarić, Slobodan; Pavešić, Nikola.
Govorna komunikacija čovjek-stroj // Govorna komunikacija / Ibrahimpašić, Fuad ; Jelčić, Suzana (ed.).
Zagreb : Zavod za zaštitu zdravlja grada, 1992.
Str. 69-92.
1. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Građa računala, Arhitektura i organizacija računarskih sustava / Rutar, Ana (ed.).
Zagreb : Algebra, 2011.
2. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Naprednije arhitekture mikroprocesora .
Zagreb : Element, 2006.
3. Budin, Leo; Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana; Pavešić, Nikola; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Inteligentni sustavi .
Zagreb : Inteligentni informatički sustavi, 2001.
4. Čerić, Vlatko; Varga, Mladen; Budin, Leo; Budin-Posavec, Andrea;
Ribarić, Slobodan; Kliček, Božidar; Ružić, Fjodor; Glavinić, Vlado;
Đurek, Marijan; Mihajlović, Željka; Baranović, Mirta.
Poslovno računarstvo / Čerić, Vlatko ; Varga, Mladen ; Birolla, Hugo (ed.).
Zagreb : Znak, 1998.
5. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Arhitektura računala RISC i CISC / Matutinović, Želimir (ed.).
Zagreb : Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1996.
Publications in Current Content journals:
1. Pavešić, Nikola; Ribarić, Slobodan; Grad, Benjamin.
Finger-Based Personal Authentication: a Comparison of
Feature-Extraction Methods Based on Principal Component Analysis, Most
Discriminant Features and Regularised-Direct Linear Discriminant
Analysis. // IET Signal Processing. 3 (2009) , 4; 269-281
2. Ribarić, Slobodan; Marčetić, Darijan; Vedrina, Denis Stjepan.
A knowledge-based system for the non-destructive diagnostics of
façade isolation using the information fusion of visual and IR images. // Expert Systems with Applications. 36 (2009) , 2 Part 2; 3812-3823.

3. Ribarić, Slobodan; Pavešić, Nikola.
Inference Procedures for Fuzzy Knowledge Representation Scheme. // Applied Artificial Intelligence. 23 (2009) , 1; 16-43
4. Martinčić-Ipšić, Sanda; Ribarić, Slobodan; Ipšić, Ivo.
Acoustic Modelling for Croatian Speech Recognition and Synthesis. // Informatica. 19 (2008) , 2; 227-254
5. Ribarić, Slobodan; Fratrić, Ivan; Kiš, Kristina.
A Novel Biometric Personal Verification System Based on the Combination of Palmprints and Faces. // Informatica. 19 (2008) , 1; 81-100
6. Ribarić, Slobodan; Hrkać, Tomislav.
TeMAS - a multi-agent system for temporally rich domains. // Knowledge and information systems. 15 (2008) , 1; 1-30

7. Pavešić, Nikola; Savič, Tadej; Ribarić, Slobodan; Fratrić, Ivan.
A multimodal hand-based verification system with an aliveness-detection module. // Annals of Telecommunications. 62 (2007) , 1-2; 1655-1680
8. Ribarić, Slobodan; Fratrić, Ivan.
A Biometric Identification System Based on Eigenpalm and Eigenfinger Features. // IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence. 27 (2005) , 11; 1698-1709
9. Matetić, Maja; Ribarić, Slobodan; Ipšić, Ivo.
Qualitative Modelling and Analysis of Animal Behaviour. // Applied intelligence (Boston). 21 (2004) , 1; 25-44
10. Ribarić, Slobodan; Ribarić, Damir; Pavešić, Nikola.
Multimodal biometric user-identification system for network-based applications. // IEE Proceedings on Vision, Image, Signal Processing. 150 (2003) , 6; 409-416
11. Šegvić, Siniša; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Determining the Absolute Orientation in a Corridor Using Projective Geometry and Active Vision. // IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 48 (2001) , 3; 696-710
Publications in journals:
1. Fratrić, Ivan; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Local Binary LDA for Face Recognition. // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 6583 (2011) ; 144-155
2. Fratrić, Ivan; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Real-Time Model-Based Hand Localization for Unsupervised Palmar Image Acquisition. // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 5558 (2009) ; 1280-1289
3. Ribarić, Slobodan; Pavešić, Nikola; Zadrija, Valentina.
Intersection Search for a Fuzzy Petri Net-Based Knowledge Representation Scheme. // Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 5711. I. (2009) , Part I.; 1-10
4. Krevatin, Ivan; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Some unusual experiments with PCA-based palmprint and face recognition. // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. LNCS 5372 (2008) ; 120-129
5. Maračić, Marijo; Ribarić, Slobodan.
A Physical Implementation of the Turing Machine Accessed trough Web. // International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE). 4 (2008) , 4; 45-51
6. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Temporal Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Model for Temporally Rich Domains. // Lecture notes in computer science. 3682 (2005) ; 430-436
7. Šupić, Haris; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Autonomous Creation of New Situation Cases in Structured Continuous Domains. // Lecture notes in computer science. 3620 (2005) ; 537-552
8. Ribarić, Slobodan; Hrkać, Tomislav.
Object-Oriented Simulator of Multi-Agent System for Temporally Rich Domains. // CIT. 11 (2003) , 3; 201-207
9. Šegvić, Siniša; Ribarić, Slobodan.
A Software Architecture for Distributed Visual Tracking in a Global Vision Localization System. // Lecture notes in Computer Science. 2626 (2003) ; 365-376
10. Matetić, Maja; Ribarić, Slobodan; Ipšić, Ivo.
LABAQM - A System for Qualitative Modelling and Analysis of Animal Behaviour. // Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences. 26 (2002) , 1-2; 85-98
11. Ribarić, Slobodan; Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana; Maleš, Lada.
An Approach to Validation of Fuzzy Qualitative Temporal Relations. // CIT. 10 (2002) , 3; 163-170
12. Ribarić, Slobodan; Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana.
Modelling Crisp and Fuzzy Qualitative Temporal Relations. // Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences. 25 (2001) , 2; 99-109
13. Šupić, Haris; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Stepwise Case-Based Reasoning: An Approach to Autonomous Robot Navigation. // Expert update. 4 (2001) , 2; 42-49
14. Ribarić, Slobodan; Šegvić, Siniša; Špišić, Vladimir.
Segmentacija u stvarnom vremenu uporabom dinamičkog uspoređivanja s lokalno prilagodljivim pragom. // Automatika. 40 (1999) , 1/2; 43-52
15. Marčić, Ivan; Ribarić, Slobodan; Kušan, Vladimir.
Multispectral classification of landsat TM images by neural networks. // International archives of photogrammetry and remote sensing. 32 (1998) , 7; 376-382
16. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Inteligentni sustavi. // Bilten Razreda za tehničke znanosti. 1 (1998) , 2; 33-37
17. Kalafatić, Zoran; Ribarić, Slobodan.
A Module for Automated Generation of Planar Object Descriptions. // CIT. 4 (1996) , 1; 53-61
18. Ribarić, Slobodan; Lastrić, Berislav.
HETHI - Heterogeneous Hierarchical Knowledge Base. // CIT. 2 (1994) , 3; 167-179
19. Ribarić, Slobodan; Pavešić, Nikola.
Declarative and procedural Knowledge Interaction in Robot Vision System. // Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Mathematische Maschinen und Datenverarbeitung, Informatik. 26 (1993) ; 53-71
20. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Inheritance in Knowledge Representation scheme Based on Petri's Net Theory. // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. 1 (1991) , 3; 300-304
21. Ribarić, Slobodan; Pavešić, Nikola.
Knowledge Representation scheme for Block world Scenes. // Automatika. 31 (1990) , 1/2; 49-54
22. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Bridna segmentacija slike. // Bilten savjeta za daljinska istraživanja. 1 (1989) , 10; 95-99
23. Gyergyek, Ludvik; Pavešić, Nikola; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Knowledge Representation Schemes in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Systems. // Automatika. 29 (1988) , 1/2; 5-8
24. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Knowledge Representation Scheme Based on Petri Net Theory. // International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. 2 (1988) , 1; 691-700
25. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Segmentacija slike. // Bilten Razreda za tehničke znanosti. 1 (1988) ; 33-37
26. Ribarić, Slobodan; Gyergyek, Ludvik; Pavešić, Nikola.
Sheme predstavljanja znanja v sistemih računalniškega videnja in za razpoznavanje dvodimenzionalnih vzorcev. // Elektrotehniški vestnik. 55 (1988) , 1; 1-7
27. Ribarić, Slobodan; Pavešić, Nikola.
Parallel Character Recognition System, Theory, Simulation and Synthesis. // International Journal of Microprocessing and Microprogramming. 22 (1988) , 3; 333-346
28. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Hijerarhija procesora u sustavima za raspoznavanje uzoraka. // Automatika. 27 (1986) , 3/4; 117-123
29. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Model procesora za obradu i raspoznavanje slika. // Informatica. 3 (1985) , 4; 64-68
30. Ribarić, Slobodan; Gyrgyek, Ludvik; Pavešić, Nikola.
Taksonomija paralelizma in model procesorja za obdelavo dvodimenzionalnih vzorcev. // Elektrotehniški vestnik. 50 (1983) , 4; 183-190
31. Ribarić, Slobodan; Pavešić, Nikola.
Mikroprocesorski klasifikator numeričkih znakova s mrežom memorijskih komponenti LSI. // Informatica. 2 (1983) , 2-3; 162-167
32. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Šesnaestobitni mikroprocesori. // Automatika. 22 (1981) , 1/2; 47-52
33. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Računari upravljani tokom podataka. // Informatica. 1 (1980) , 3; 3-11
Publication in other journals:
Publications accepted for publication:
Invited lectures in conference proceedings:
1. Pavešić, Nikola; Ribarić, Slobodan; Ribarić, Damir.
Personal Authentication Using Hand-geometry and Palmprint Features - The State of the Art // Proceedings
of BCTP (Biometrics: Challenges Araising from Theory to Practice)
Satellite Workshop to ICPR 2004, 17th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition,
Cambridge, UK..
Magdeburg : Univ. Magdeburg, 2004. 17-26.
2. Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Kernel-Based Methods for Pattern Recognition // Proceedings of the 5th International Multi-Conference Information Society - IS 2002 / M. Grobelnik et al. (ed.).
2002. 24-27.
3. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Dvadeset i pet godina mikroprocesora // Računala u tehničkim sustavima, Računala u inteligentnim sustavima, Superskalarni RISC i CISC procesori / Budin, Leo ; Ribarić, Slobodan (ed.).
Rijeka : MIPRO, 1997. 1.1-1.9.
Publication in international conference proceedings:
1. Ribarić, Slobodan; Marčetić, Darijan; Ma, Zongmin.
Robust Initialization for Reasoning Procedures in a Hierarchical Heterogeneous Knowledge-Base // Eight International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery. Vol. 3 / Ding, Yongsheng ; Li, Yongmin ; Fan, Zhun ; Li, Shaoyuan ; Wang, Lipo (ed.).
Denvers, MA : IEEE, 2011. 1454-1460.
2. Zhang, Fu; Ma, Zongmin; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Representation of Petri Net with OWL DL Ontology // 2011 Eight International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD 2011) / Ding, Yongsheng ; Li, Yongmin ; Fan, Zhun ; Li, Shaoyuan ; Wang, Lipo (ed.).
Denvers, MA : IEEE, 2011. 1449-1453.
3. Ivašić-Kos, Marina; Ribarić, Slobodan; Ipšić, Ivo.
Image Annotation using Fuzzy Knowledge Representation Scheme // Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition.
Pariz, Francuska : IEEE France, 2010. 218-223.
4. Ribarić, Slobodan; Lovrenčić, Juraj; Pavešić, Nikola.
A Neural-Network-Based System for Monitoring Driver Fatigue // Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Mediterranian Electromechanical Conference / Carl James Debono (ed.).
Valletta : IEEE, 2010. 1356-1361.
5. Ribarić, Slobodan; Maračić, Marijo.
Eigenphase-based face recognition: a comparison of phase-information extraction methods // Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Electrotechnical and Computing Science Conference ERK 2010 / Zajc, Baldomir ; Trost, Andrej (ed.).
Ljubljana : Slovenian Section IEEE, 2010. 233-236.
6. Ribarić, Slobodan; Marčetić, Darijan.
An Associative Information Retrieval Algorithm for a Kanerva-like Memory Model // Proceedings
of the 33th International Convention MIPRO 2010 : CTS & CIS,
Computers in Technical Systems and Intelligent Systems ; Vol. III / Bogunović, Nikola ; Ribarić, Slobodan (ed.).
Opatija : Croatian Society for Information and Communications technology
electronics and Microelectronics - MIPRO, 2010. 225-230
7. Ribarić, Slobodan; Zadrija, Valentina.
An Object-Oriented Implementation of a Knowledge Representation Scheme based on Fuzzy Petri Nets // Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery / Maozhen, Li ; Qilian, Liang ; Lipo, Wang ; Yibin, Song (ed.).
Yantai, Shandong, China : IEEE, Inc., 2010. 987-993.
8. Ribarić, Slobodan; Marčetić, Darijan.
A Storage Algorithm for a Kanerva-like Memory Model // 32nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics – MIPRO 2009 / Bogunović, Nikola ; Ribarić, Slobodan (ed.).
Opatija : Croatian Society for Information and Communciation Technology,
Electronics and Microelectronics – MIPRO, 2009. 221-226
9. Samaržija, Branko; Ribarić, Slobodan.
An Autonomy Oriented Computing Approach to Image-Component Labeling // Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis / Zinterhof, P. ; Lončarić, S. ; Uhl, A. ; Carini, A. (ed.).
Salzburg : University of Salzburg and Faculty of Electrical Engineering
and Computing, University of Zagreb, 2009. 182-187
10. Fatrić, Ivan; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Colour-Based Palmprint Verification – An Experiment // The 14th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference Proceedings / Watteyne, Thomas ; Yazidi, Amine (ed.).
Ajaccio : IEEE, 2008. 890-895.
11. Rabuzin, Kornelije; Maleković, Mirko; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Implementing Reactive Agents in Active Databases // ICITA 2008 Conference Proceedings / Tien, David (ed.).
Cairns, Australia, 2008. 402-406.
12. Ribarić, Slobodan; Pavešić, Nikola.
A Finger-based Identification System // The 14th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference Proceedings / Watteyne, Thomas ; Yazidi, Amine (ed.).
Ajaccio : IEEE, 2008. 816-821.
13. Ribarić, Slobodan; Samaržija, Branko.
Autonomy Oriented Computing Applied in Color-based Image Segmentation // Proceedings of the 17th International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK 2008 ; Vol. B / Zajc, Baldomir ; Trost, Andrej (ed.).
Ljubljana, Slovenija : IEEE Region 8, Slovenska sekcija IEEE, 2008. 7-10
14. Istenic, R.; Heric, D.; Ribarić, Slobodan; Zazula, Damjan.
Thermal and Visual Image Registration in Hough Parameter Space // Proceedings of 14th International Workshop on Systems, Signals & Image Processing : IWSSIP / Čučej, Žarko ; Planinšič, Peter ; Gleich, Dušan (ed.).
Maribor : Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 2007. 111-114.
15. Pavešić, Nikola; Ribarić, Slobodan; Grad, Benjamin.
Comparison of PCA-, MDF-, and RD-LDA-based Feature Extraction Approaches for Hand-based Personal Recognition // Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Tehnologies : CompSysTech'07 / B. Rachev, B. ; Smirkarov, A. ; Dimov, D. (ed.).
Rousse : Bulgarian Chapter of ACM, 2007. v.3-1-V3-7.
16. Ribarić, Slobodan; Hrkać, Tomislav.
A Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Based on Petri Nets with Spatio-Temporal Tokens // Proceedings of the IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2007 : The International Conference on Computer as a Tool.
2007. 793-800 .
17. Ribarić, Slobodan; Mihalić, Darko.
Robust Image Registration Based on Features Extracted from Image of Edges // Proceedings
of the 30th International Convention MIPRO 2007 on Computers in
Technical Systems and Intelligent Systems : CTS&CIS ; Vol. III =
Zbornik radova 30. međunarodne konvencije MIPRO 2007 Računala u
tehničkim sustavima. Inteligentni sustavi ; sv. 3 / Budin, Leo ; Ribarić, Slobodan (ed.).
Opatija : MIPRO, 2007. 192-197.
18. Ribarić, Slobodan; Pavešić, Nikola.
An Inheritance Procedure for Knowledge Representation Scheme Based on Fuzzy Petri Nets // Proceedings of Third International Conference on Natural Computing : ICNC 2007 / Lei, J. (ed.).
Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society, 2007. 3-9.
19. Ribarić, Slobodan; Pavešić, Nikola.
A Finger-based Personal Identification System // Proceedings of the International Conference on Automatisc and Informatics '07 ; Vol. II / Simeonov, I. ; Vanev, B. (ed.).
Sofia : Union of Automation and Informatics, 2007. III-29-III-32.
20. Pavešić, Nikola; Savič, Tadej; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Multimodal Biometric Authentication System Based on Hand Features // Proceedings
of the 29th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation :
From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge Engineering / Spiloupoulou, Mira ; Kruse, Rudolf ; Borgelt, Christian ; Nürnberger, Andreas ; Gaul, Wolfgang (ed.).
Heidelberg : Springer, 2006. 630-637 .
21. Ribarić, Slobodan; Fratrić, Ivan.
Experimental Evaluation of Matching-Score Normalization Techniques on Different Multimodal Biometric Systems // Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference : MELECON 2006 / Sandoval, Francisco (ed.).
Malaga : University of Malaga, 2006. 498-501.
22. Ribarić, Slobodan; Marčetić, Darijan; Samaržija, Branko.
Registration Techniques for High-Resolution Visual and Low-Resolution Infrared Images // Proceedings of the 29th International Convention MIPRO 2006 : Computers in Technical Systems and Intelligent Systems ; Vol. III / Budin, Leo ; Ribarić, Slobodan (ed.).
Opatija : MIPRO, 2006. 148-153.
23. Ribarić, Slobodan; Pavešić, Nikola.
A Recognition-Inference Procedure for a Knowledge Representation Scheme Based on Fuzzy Petri Nets // 5th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence : MICAI 2006 : Advances in Artificial Intelligence / Carbonell, J. G. ; Siekmann, J. (ed.).
Heidelberg : Springer, 2006. 38-48 .
24. Kipčić, Damir; Ribarić, Slobodan.
A Multi-Agent-Based Approach to Face Detection and Localization // Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces : ITI 2005 / Lužar-Stiffler, Vesna ; Hljuz Dobrić, Vesna (ed.).
Zagreb : SRCE, 2005. 399-404.
25. Ribarić, Slobodan; Fratrić, Ivan.
A Biometric Verification System Based on the Fusion of Palmprint and Face Features // Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis / Lončarić, Sven ; Babić, Hrvoje ; Bellanger, Maurice (ed.).
Zagreb : Fakultet Elektrotehnike i Računarstva,, 2005. 12-17.
26. Ribarić, Slobodan; Fratrić, Ivan.
A Matching-Score Normalization Technique for Multimodal Biometric Systems // Proceedings of the 3rd COST 275 Workshop : Biometrics on the Internet.
Hatfield, 2005. 55-58.
27. Ribarić, Slobodan; Krapac, Josip.
A comparison of performance of background subtraction methods // Proceedings of the 28th International Conference MIPRO : Computers in Techincal Systems/Intelligent Systems / Budin, Leo ; Ribarić, Slobodan (ed.).
Rijeka : MIPRO, 2005. 95-100.
28. Ribarić, Slobodan; Šnajder, Jan.
Mapping Petri Net-Based Temporal Knowledge Representation Scheme into CP-Net Model // 28th international convention : MIPRO 2005 : Proceedings = 28. međunarodni skup : Zbornik radova / Budin, Leo ; Ribarić, Slobodan (ed.).
Rijeka : MIPRO, 2005. 134-139.
29. Pavešić, Nikola; Fratrić, Ivan; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Degradation of the XM2VTS Database Face Images // Proceedings of the 2nd COST 275 Workshop : Biometrics on the Internet : Fundamentals, Advances and Applications.
30. Ribarić, Slobodan; Adrinek, Goran; Šegvić, Siniša.
Real-time Active Visual Tracking System // Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Mediterranean Electrical Conference : MELECON 2004 ; Vol.I / Matijašević , Maja ; Pejčinović, Branimir ; Tomšić, Željko ; Butković, Željko (ed.).
Piscataway : The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
2004. 231-234 (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,objavljeni
31. Sertić, Hrvoje; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Extending UML with Petri Nets for real-time system modeling // Telecommunications
& information : proceedings of the conference CTI =
Telekomunikacije i informacije : zbornik radova Savjetovanja CTI / Budin, Leo ; Ribarić, Slobodan (ed.).
Opatija : HU MIPRO, 2004. 59-64.
32. Matanović, Josip; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Modeling and Processor Implementation In Integrated UML-VHDL Environment // Computers
in technical systems and intelligent systems : proceedings of the Joint
Conferences CTS+CIS = Računala u tehničkim i inteligentnim sustavima :
zbornik radova zajedničkih savjetovanja CTS+CIS ; u okviru XXVI.
međunarodnog skupa MIPRO 2003 = XXVI International Convention MIPRO 2003 / Budin, Leo ; Ribarić, Slobodan (ed.).
Opatija : HU MIPRO, 2003. 11-16.
33. Matetić, Maja; Ribarić, Slobodan; Ipšić, Ivo.
Object Behavior Analysis in a Dynamic Vision System // Computers
in technical systems and intelligent systems : proceedings of the Joint
Conferences CTS+CIS = Računala u tehničkim i inteligentnim sustavima :
zbornik radova zajedničkih savjetovanja CTS+CIS ; u okviru XXVI.
međunarodnog skupa MIPRO 2003 = XXVI International Convention MIPRO 2003 / Budin, Leo ; Ribarić, Slobodan (ed.).
Rijeka : HU MIPRO, 2003. 21-26.
34. Bušić, Marko; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Program Implementation of Marr-Poggio Algorithm for Cooperative Computation of Stereo Disparity // Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems : INES 2002 / Lovrenčić, Alen ; Rudas, Imre J. (ed.).
Zagreb : Faculty of Organization and Informatics, 2002. 26-28.
35. Matetić, Maja; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Conceptual Clustering of Object Behaviour in the Dynamic Vision System Based on Qualitative Spatio-temporal Model // Computers
in technical systems and intelligent systems : CTS = Računala u
tehničkim i inteligentnim sustavima : CIS : proceedings of the joint
conferences = zbornik radova zajedničkih savjetovanja : MIPRO 2002 / Budin, Leo ; Ribarić, Slobodan ; Pavlić, Mile (ed.).
Rijeka : HU MIPRO, 2002. 15-20.
36. Matetić, Maja; Ribarić, Slobodan.
A System for the Behaviour Analysis of Laboratory Animal Based on Qualitative Modelling // Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems : INES 2002 / Lovrenčić, Alen ; Rudas, Imre J. (ed.).
Zagreb : Faculty of Organization and Informatics, 2002. 273-278.
37. Matetić, Maja; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Qualitative Modelling of Object Behaviour In the Dynamic Vision System Using Hidden Markov Models // Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotehnical Conference : IEEE MELECON 2002.
2002. 570-574.
38. Matetić, Maja; Ribarić, Slobodan; Ipšić, Ivo.
LABAQM - A System for Qualitative Modelling and Analysis of Animal Behavior // Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems - IIS 2002 / B. Aurer, A. Lovrenčić (ed.).
Zagreb : FOI, 2002. 143-146.
39. Pavešić, Nikola; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Biometrics-based User Identification for Internet Use // Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Software, Telecommunication and Computer Networks : SoftCom 2002 / Rožić, Nikola ; Begušić, Dinko (ed.).
Split : Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and
Naval Architecture, 2002. 143-146 (predavanje,međunarodna
recenzija,objavljeni rad,znanstveni).
40. Ribarić, Slobodan; Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana; Maleš, Lada.
An Approach to Validation of Fuzzy Qualitative Temporal Relations // Proceedings of the 24rd International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces : ITI 2002 / Glavinić, Vlado ; Hljuz-Dobrić, Vesna ; Šimić, Diana (ed.).
Zagreb : SRCE University Computing Centre, 2002. 223-228.
41. Ribarić, Slobodan; Drozdek, Jasna.
Perception-based Data Processing by Introducing n-dimensional Metric Space of Linguistic Variables // Proceedings
of the 9th International Conference on Information Processing and
Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems : IPMU 2002.
Savoie : LISTIC-EISA, 2002. 1517-1523.
42. Ribarić, Slobodan; Hrkać, Tomislav; Pavešić, Nikola.
Hierarchical Model of Multi-Agent System for Spatio-Temporal Rich Domains // Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems : INES 2002 / Lovrenčić, Alen ; Rudas, Imre J. (ed.).
Zagreb : Faculty of Organization and Informatics, 2002. 321-326.
43. Ribarić, Slobodan; Pavešić, Nikola.
A Biometric Identification System Based on the Fusion of Hand and Palm Features // Cost 275 Workshop : The Advent of Biometrics on the Internet : proceedings / M. Falcone, M. ; Ariyaeeinia, A. ; Paolini, A. (ed.).
Rome : Fundazione Ugo Bordini, 2002. 79-82.
44. Kalafatić, Zoran; Ribarić, Slobodan; Stanisavljević, Vladimir.
A System for Tracking Laboratory Animals Based on Optical Flow and Active Contours // Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing : ICIAP 2001 / Ardizzone, Edoardo ; Di Gesu, Vito (ed.).
Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society, 2001. 334-339.
45. Matetić, Maja; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Qualitative Modelling and Reasoning About Object Behaviour in the Dynamic Vision System // Zbornik
desete Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2001 =
Proceedings of the 10th Electrotehnical and Computer Science Conference ;
Vol. B: Računalništvo in informatika ; Umetna inteligenca ; Robotika ;
Razpoznavanje vzorcev ; Biomedicinska tehnika ; Didaktika ; Študentski
članki / Zajc, Baldomir (ed.).
Ljubljana : IEEE Region 8, Slovenska sekcija IEEE, 2001. 293-296.
46. Ribarić, Slobodan; Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana.
Modelling Crisp and Fuzzy Qualitative Temporal Relations // Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems : IIS 2001 / Lovrenčić, Alen (ed.).
Varaždin : Faculty of Organization and Informatics, 2001. 218-226.
47. Ribarić, Slobodan; Drozdek, Jasna.
Linguistic K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm // Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Software, Telecommunication and Computer Networks 2 : SoftCom 2001 / Rožić, Nikola ; Begušić, Dinko (ed.).
Split : Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and
Naval Architecture, 2001. 699-706 (predavanje,međunarodna
recenzija,objavljeni rad,znanstveni).
48. Ribarić, Slobodan; Hrkać, Tomislav; Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana.
Model of Multi-agent System for Temporally Rich Domains // 10th
International Conference on Microelectronics, Electronics and
Electronic Technologies (MEET) ; 7th International Conference on
Multimedia and Hypermedia Systems MMHS) ; 24th International Convention
(MIPRO 2001) : proceedings conferences / Biljanovic, Petar ; Skala, Karolj (ed.).
Rijeka : MIPRO, 2001. 20-25.
49. Ribarić, Slobodan; Kiš, Kristina.
Colour-based Segmentation of Carry-on Baggage Images // Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis : ISPA 2001 / Lončarić, Sven ; Babić, Hrvoje (ed.).
2001. 339-344.
50. Ribarić, Slobodan; Krleža, Dalibor; Pavešić, Nikola.
A Turing Machine with Robot Arm and Eye // Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems : INES 2001 / Patkai, Béla ; Rudas, J.J. (ed.).
Tampere : Institute of Production Engineering, Tampere University of
Technology, 2001. 273-276.
51. Šegvić, Siniša; Kalafatić, Zoran; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Extracting the Canonical Set of Closed Contours Using the Best-First Search Algorithm // Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology : ISSPIT 2001 / Fayez, Gebali (ed.).
Piscataway : IEEE, 2001. 141-146.
52. Šupić, Haris; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Adaptation by Applying Behavior Routines and Motion Strategies in Autonomous Navigation // Case-based reasoning research and development : 4th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning : ICCBR / Aha, David W. ; Watson. Ian (ed.).
Berlin : Springer, 2001. 517-530.
53. Šupić, Haris; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Adaptation by Applying Behavior Routines and Motion Strategies in Autonomous Navigation // Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning : Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; Vol. 2080 / Aha, D.W ; Watson, I. (ed.).
Berlin : Springer, 2001. 517-530 .
54. Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana; Ribarić, Slobodan.
A New approach for Modelling Fuzzy Time Primitives // Proceedings of the 10th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference : MELECON 2000 ; Vol. II : Signal and Image Processing / Constantinos, Pattichis S. ; Stathis, Panis (ed.).
Limassol : IEEE, 2000. 721-724.
55. Kalafatić, Zoran; Ribarić, Slobodan; Stanisavljević, Vladimir.
Real-Time Object Tracking Based on Optical Flow and Active Rays // Proceedings of the 10th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference : MELECON 2000 ; Vol. II : Signal and Image Processing / Constantinos, Pattichis S. ; Stathis, Panis (ed.).
Limassol : IEEE, 2000. 542-545.
56. Pavešić, Nikola; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Gray Level Thresholding Using the Havrda and Charvat Entropy // Proceedings of the 10th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference : MELECON 2000 : Vol. II : Signal and Image Processing / Constantinos, Pattichis S. ; Stathis, Panis (ed.).
Limassol : IEEE, 2000. 631-634.
57. Ribarić, Slobodan; Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana; Tomac, Dražen.
Object-Oriented Implementation of a Model for Fuzzy Temporal Reasoning // Proceedings
of the 8th International Conference on Information Processing and
Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems : IPMU 2000 : Vol. I / Botia J. ... et al. (ed.).
Madrid : Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, 2000. 1247-1254.
58. Ribarić, Slobodan; Milani, Milivoj; Kalafatić, Zoran.
Restoration of images blurred by circular motion // Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis : IWISPA 2000 / Lončarić, Sven (ed.).
Zagreb : University Computing Centre, 2000. 53-60.
59. Ribarić, Slobodan; Pavelić, Matija.
Change Detection Based on Haar Transform // Zbornik
devete Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2000 : Zv. B :
Računalništvo in informatika ; Umetna inteligenca ; Robotika ;
Razpoznavanje vzorcev ; Biomedicinska tehnika ; Močnostna elektrotehnika
; Didaktika ; Študentski članki = Proceedings of the ninth
Electrotehnical and Computer Science Conference : ERK '2000 ; Vol. B / Zajc, Baldomir (ed.).
Ljubljana : IEEE Region 8, Slovenska sekcija IEEE, 2000. 201-204.
60. Ribarić, Slobodan; Šegvić, Siniša; Špišić, Vladimir.
Locally adaptive thresholding of the sequence of image frames // Proceedings of the 10th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference : MELECON 2000 ; Vol. II : Signal and Image Processing / Constantinos, Pattichis S. ; Stathis, Panis (ed.).
Limassol : IEEE, 2000. 673-676.
61. Stanisavljević, Vladimir; Kalafatić, Zoran; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Optical Flow Estimation over Extended Image Sequence // Proceedings of the 10th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference : MELECON 2000 ; Vol. II : Signal and Image Processing / Constantinos, Pattichis S. ; Stathis, Panis (ed.).
Limassol : IEEE, 2000. 546-550.
62. Šupić, Haris; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Stepwise Case-Based Reasoning: An Approach to Autonomous Robot Navigation // Proceedings of the 5th UKCBR Workshop / B.Lees, B. ; Shankamaran, V. (ed.).
2000. 58-66.
63. Bradač, Robert; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Real-Time Computer System for Tracking of Animals in Pharmacological Experiments // proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces : ITI '99 / Kalpić, Damir (ed.).
Zagreb : SRCE, 1999. 49-56.
64. Kalafatić, Zoran; Ribarić, Slobodan; Stanisavljević, Vladimir.
Object Tracking Based on Optical Flow // Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces : ITI '99 / Kalpić, Damir (ed.).
Zagreb : SRCE, 1999. 85-91.
65. Ribarić, Slobodan; Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana; Pavešić, Nikola.
A Model for Fuzzy Temporal Knowledge Representation and Reasoning // FUZZ-IEEE'99 : 1999 IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference Proceedings ; Vol. I.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1999. 216-221.
66. Ribarić, Slobodan; Perković, Željka; Pavešić, Nikola.
Efficient Edge Detection Method by Using Focus of Attention Area // Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics : ISIE '99 / Buja, Giuseppe ; Jezernik, Karel ; Begun, Robert (ed.).
Piscataway : IEEE Service Center, 1999. 1218-1223.
67. Ribarić, Slobodan; Perković, Željka; Pavešić, Nikola.
Edge Detection by Using Focus of Attention Area // Conference Proceeding of the 5th SCI'99 and ISAS'99 ; Volume 6 : Image, Acustic, Speech and Signal Processing / Torres, Michel ; Sanchez, Belkis ; D. G. Lainitis (ed.).
International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, USA, 1999. 163-169
68. Šegvić, Siniša; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Self-localisation procedure for autonomous navigation through corridors // Zbornik
osme Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference : ERK '99 = Proceedings
of the Eighth Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference : ERK
'99 / Zajc, Baldomir (ed.).
Ljubljana : IEEE Region 8, Slovenska sekcija IEEE, 1999. 275-279.
69. Kulik, Orest; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Program Implementation of Classifier With Linguistic Variables // Proc. 21st International Convention MIPRO '98.
Rijeka : MIPRO, 1998. 39-43.
70. Marčić, Ivica; Ribarić, Slobodan; Kušan, Vladimir.
Multispectral Classification of Landsat TM Images by Neural Networks // Proceedings of the 32nd Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring : ISPRS.
1998. 376-380.
71. Pavešić, Nikola; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Image Tresholding Using The Renyi's Entropy // Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing : SIP'98 / Namazi, M. M. (ed.).
Anaheim : IAESTED, 1998. 184-188.
72. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Knowledge Representation Schemes in Computer Vision Systems // Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Systems, Analysis and Synthesis : ISAS '98 ; Vol. 2 / Callaos, Nagib ; Yang, Tianruo ; Aguilar, Jose (ed.).
International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, 1998. 141-146
73. Ribarić, Slobodan; Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana.
Fuzzy Time Petri Net Primitives for Processing Fuzzy Temporal Knowledge // Proceedings of the 9th Mediterranean Electronical Conference : MELECON '98.
1998. 549-553.
74. Ribarić, Slobodan; Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana; Tomac, Dražen.
Program Implementation of Reasoning Using Fuzzy and Fuzzy Time Petri Net // proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces : ITI ’ 98 / Kalpić, Damir ; Hljuz Dobrić, Vesna (ed.).
Zagreb : SRCE, 1998. 101-108.
75. Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana; Ribarić, Slobodan; Grbac, Ivica.
An Extension of Reasoning with Fuzzy Temporal Knowledge // proceedings of the 19th International Technology Interfaces : ITI '97 / Kalpić, Damir ; Hljuz Dobrić, Vesna (ed.).
Zagreb : University Computing Center, 1997. 105-110.
76. Ribarić, Slobodan; Dohoczky, Csaba; Kalafatić, Zoran; Stanisavljević, Vladimir.
Real-Time System for Analyzing Animal Motion // Proceedings of the 20th International Convention : MIPRO '97 / Biljanović, Petar ; Skala, Karolj ; Ribarić, Slobodan ; Budin, L (ed.).
Rijeka : Croatian society MIPRO ; IEEE, Region 8, Slovenska sekcija,
1997. 173-176.
77. Ribarić, Slobodan; Gluhak, Denis.
Computer Vision System for Automatic Tracking Coloured Objects // Proceedings of the 20th International Convention : MIPRO '97 / Biljanović, Petar ; Skala, Karolj ; Ribarić, Slobodan ; Budin, L (ed.).
Rijeka : Croatian society MIPRO : IEEE, Region 8, Slovenska sekcija,
1997. 177-180.
78. Ribarić, Slobodan; Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana.
Temporal Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Based on Petri Nets with Time Tokens // Proceedings
of the 8th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference : MELECON '96 :
Industrial Applications in Power Systems, Computer Science and
Telecommunications ; Vol. I / De Sario, Marco ; Maione, Bruno ; Pugliese, Pasquale ; Savino, M (ed.).
Bari : IEEE, 1996. 131-135.
79. Ribarić, Slobodan; Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana.
Simulation of Global Register Allocation via Graph Colouring for i486 and Alpha 21064 Processors // Zbornik
četrte Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference : ERK '95 =
Proceedings of the 4th Electrotehnical and Computer Science Conference :
ERK '95 / Solina, Franc ; Zajc, Baldomir (ed.).
Ljubljana : Slovenska sekcija IEEE, 1995. 59-62.
80. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Knowledge Representation in Computer Vision Systems // Proceedings of the International Workshop Modern Models of man - machine Communication.
Maribor, 1994. 8.1-8.12.
81. Ribarić, Slobodan; Lastrić, Berislav.
Inheritance Algorithm for Heterogeneous Hierarchical Knowledge Base // Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces : ITI 94 / Čerić, Vlatko ; Hljuz Dobrić, Vesna (ed.).
Zagreb : University Computing Centre, 1994. 163-170.
82. Ribarić, Slobodan.
An Inheritance Algorithm in the Knowledge Representation Scheme // Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information technology interfaces : ITI 93.
University Computing Centre, 1993. 237-242.
83. Miljković, Dubravko; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Speech Recognition system for Voice Controlled Robot Arm // Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces : ITI '92.
1992. 205-210.
84. Ribarić, Slobodan.
Recognition in Knowledge Representation Scheme Based on Petri Nets // Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces : ITI 92.
1992. 211-216.
85. Ribarić, Slobodan; Dobrinić, Dobriša.
G-windows Based Simple Visual Processing system // Zbornik
prve Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference : ERK '92 = Proceedings
of the First Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference : ERK '92 / Solina, Franc ; Zajc, Baldomir (ed.).
Ljubljana : Slovenska sekcija IEEE, 1992. 253-256.
86. Ribarić, Slobodan; Parlov, Zdenko.
A Heuristic Reduction Procedure in Haar Pyramid // Proceedings of the IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference : MELECON '91 / Zajc, Baldomir ; Solina, Franc (ed.).
New York : IEEE, 1991. 1228-1232.
87. Gyrgyek, Ludvik; Pavešić, Nikola; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Use of Fast Haar Transform and Shannon's Theory of Information in ECG Diagnosis According to Lester Method // Lecture Notes in Medical Informatics ; Vol. 11 : Proceedings of the 3th European Congress on Medical Informatics Europe : MIE 81 / Cardus, D ; Vallbona, C (ed.).
Berlin : Springer, 1981. 5-23.
88. Gyrgyek, Ludvik; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Recognition and Analysis of ECG Signals // Proceedings of the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society Meeting.
Copenhagen : DECUS, 1978. 397-400.
89. Gyrgyek, Ludvik; Pavešić, Nikola; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Use of Shannon's Theory og Information in ECG Diagnosis According to Lester Method // Proceedings of the First Mediterrean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering.
1977. 8.21-8.24.
90. Gyergyek, Ludvik; Ribarić, Slobodan; Pavešić, Nikola.
On the Use of Haar Transform for ECG Recognition // Mitteilungen des I. Jahrestagung der Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fuer Biomedizinische Technik.
1976. 71-76.
Other publications in conference proceedings:
1. Krevatin, Ivan; Ribarić, Slobodan.
A Comparison of Palmprint-Recognition Systems Based on Eigenpalm and Fisherpalm Methods // Zbornik
štirinajste mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference : ERK
2005 = Proceedings of the 14th International Electrotechnical and
Computer Science Conference : ERK 2005 / Zajc, Baldomir ; Trost, Andrej (ed.).
Ljubljana : IEEE Region 8, Slovenska sekcija, 2005. 239-242.
2. Pavešić, Nikola; Ribarić, Slobodan.
Unimodal and Multimodal Biometric Authentication Systems Based on Hand Features // Proceedings
of 29th Annual Conference of the German Classification Society :
GfKl'2005 : From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge Engineering.
3. Ribarić, Slobodan; Fratrić, Ivan.
An Online Biometric Authentication System Based on Eigenfingers and Finger-Geometry // Proceedings of 13th European Signal Processing Conference.
4. Matetić, Maja; Ribarić, Slobodan; Ipšić, Ivo.
LABAQM - A System for Qualitative Modelling and Analysis of Animal Behaviour // Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, IIS 2002.
Varaždin, 2002. 267-278.
5. Ribarić, Slobodan; Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana.
Prikaz vremenskog i vremenski neizrazitog znanja u inteligentnim sustavima // Zbornik radova 4. simpozija Inteligentni sustavi / Božićević, Juraj (ed.).
Zagreb : Hrvatsko društvo za sustave, 1998. 36-45.
Publications in nonreviewed conference proceedings:
Other publications: