Laboratory for Pattern Recognition and Biometric Security Systems
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Staff member: Marijo Maračić, Dipl. Ing. |
Research Associate University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Address: Unska 3, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia Phone: +38516129550 E-mail |
Marijo Maračić was born on 07. December 1983. in Rijeka, Croatia. He spent his childhood and elementary and secondary school days in Punat on the island of Krk. He went to the university in Zagreb and got his Dipl. Ing. degree in Computing in 2007. from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. He is currently with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb pursuing his PhD thesis as a research associate on a scientific project named Theory, Modelling and Application of Autonomy-oriented Computing Structures headed by prof. dr. sc. Slobodan Ribarić. Marijo Maračić is a student member of IEEE.
His research interest include intelligent systems, particularly computer vision systems, biometric security systems and digital systems design. At the moment he is building a biometric security system based on 3D facial recognition as a part of his PhD thesis.
Proceedings articles:
- 1. Ribaric, Slobodan; Maracic, Marijo
Eigenphase-based face recognition: a comparison of phase-information extraction methods // Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Electrotechnical and Computing Science Conference ERK 2010 / Zajc, Baldomir ; Trost, Andrej (ed.).
Ljubljana : Slovenian Section IEEE, 2010. 233-236
Journal articles:
- 1. Maracic, Marijo; Ribaric, Slobodan.
A Physical Implementation of the Turing Machine Accessed trough Web. // International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE). 4 (2008) , 4; 45-51