Laboratory for Pattern Recognition and Biometric Security Systems
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Staff member: Branko Samaržija, Dipl. Ing. |
Assistant University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Address: Unska 3, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia Phone: +38516129550 E-mail |
Branko Samaržija is a teaching assistant in the Department of Electronics, Microelectronics, Computer and Intelligent system at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. He is also a PhD student at the same faculty. He was born on October 8. 1982, and got his Dipl. Ing. degree in Computing in 2006. His research interests (related to his PhD thesis research) include design and application of biologically inspired algorithms at image processing problems, swarm intelligence and autonomy oriented computing. He also has a great passion towards algorithms and algorithms analysis, GPU programming and assembly programming. As an assistant, he has been responsible for the university undergraduate courses Computer Architecture 2 and Computer Animation, as well as university graduate course Computer graphics. Before pursuing his PhD degree, he worked as a software developer at Ring datacom d.o.o company. He has been engaged as a researcher at project "Theory, Modelling and Application of Autonomy-oriented Computing Structures" since its inception.
Proceedings articles:
- 1. Samaržija, Branko; Ribarić, Slobodan.
An Approach to the De-Identification of Faces in Different Poses // BiForD - Special Session on Biometrics, Forensics, De-identification and Privacy Protection / Ribarić, Slobodan (ur.).
Rijeka : Croatian Society for Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics - MIPRO, 2014. 21-26 [PDF]
- 2. Samarzija, Branko; Ribaric, Slobodan
An Autonomy Oriented Computing Approach to Image-Component Labeling // Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis / Zinterhof, P. ; Loncaric, S. ; Uhl, A. ; Carini, A. (ur.) Salzburg 2009. pp. 182-187. [PDF]
3. Ribaric, Slobodan; Samarzija, Branko
Autonomy Oriented Computing Applied in Color-based Image Segmentation // Proceedings of the 17th International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK 2008 ; Vol. B / Zajc, Baldomir ; Trost, Andrej (ur.).
Ljubljana, Slovenia : IEEE Region 8, Slovenian Section IEEE, 2008. pp. 7-10.
4. Ribaric, Slobodan; Marcetic, Darijan; Samarzija, Branko
Registration Techniques for High-Resolution Visual and Low-Resolution Infrared Images // Proceedings of the 29th International Convention MIPRO 2006 : Computers in Technical Systems and Intelligent Systems ; Vol. III / Budin, Leo ; Ribaric, Slobodan (ur.).
Opatija, Croatia : MIPRO, 2006. pp. 148-153.