Laboratory for Pattern Recognition and Biometric Security Systems

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing


Staff member: Doc. dr. sc. Tomislav Hrkać, Dipl. Ing.


Assistant Professor
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Address: Unska 3, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: +38516129926


Tomislav Hrkać was born on 02. July 1975. in Nova Gradiška, Croatia, where he attended both elementary and high school. In 1994. he was admitted at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia. He graduated in July of 1999. In 2000. he began working as a researcher at the Department of Electronics, microelectronics, Computer and Intelligent Systems of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. He received the M.Sc. degree in computer science in November 2004. and his Ph.D. degree in February 2009. He participated in several research projects and co-authored two papers in a CC and SCI journal, two papers in a reviewed scientific journal and several papers in international conference proceedings. He was involved in teaching activities with the following courses: Digital electronics, Digital logic, Computer architecture and organization, Computer architecture 2, Digital systems design, Scripting languages, and Intelligent Multi-agent Systems. He is a member of the IEEE. He is fluent in English and has a basic knowledge of German language. His research interest include intelligent systems, particularly computer vision systems, computer architecture and digital systems design.


Journal papers:

  • 1. Ribarić, Slobodan; Hrkać, Tomislav.
    A model of fuzzy spatio-temporal knowledge representation and reasoning based on high-level Petri nets. // Information systems. 37 (2012) ; 238-256 Link
  • 2. Ribarić, Slobodan; Hrkać, Tomislav.
    TeMAS - a multi-agent system for temporally rich domains. // Knowledge and information systems. 15 (2008) , 1; 1-30 Link
  • 3. Hrkać, Tomislav; Kalafatić, Zoran; Krapac, Josip.
    Infrared-Visual Image Registration Based on Corners and Hausdorff Distance. // Lecture notes in Computer Science : Image Analysis. 4522 (2007) ; 383-392 Link
  • 4. Ribarić, Slobodan; Hrkać, Tomislav.
    Object-Oriented Simulator of Multi-Agent System for Temporally Rich Domains. // CIT. 11 (2003) , 3; 201-207 Link

Conference papers:

  • 1. Čupić, Marko; Brkić, Karla; Hrkać, Tomislav; Kalafatić, Zoran.
    Supporting automated grading of formative multiple choice exams by introducing student identifier matrices // 34th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, Proceedings Vol. III Computers in Technical Systems & Intelligent Systems / Bogunović, Nikola ; Ribarić, Slobodan (ur.). Zagreb : DENONA, 2011. 393-398 Link
  • 2. Ribarić, Slobodan; Hrkać, Tomislav.
    A Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Based on Petri Nets with Spatio-Temporal Tokens // Proceedings of the IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2007 : The International Conference on Computer as a Tool. 2007. 793-800 Link
  • 3. Hrkać, Tomislav; Kalafatić, Zoran.
    Corner-Based Infrared-Visual Image Registration. // Zbornik petnajste mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference (ERK 2006) = Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference. Vol. B / Zajc, Baldomir ; Trost, Andrej (ed.). Ljubljana : IEEE Region 8, Slovenska sekcija IEEE, 2006. 217-220 Link
  • 4. Ribarić, Slobodan; Hrkać, Tomislav; Pavešić, Nikola.
    Hierarchical Model of Multi-Agent System for Spatio-Temporal Rich Domains // Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems : INES 2002 / Lovrenčić, Alen ; Rudas, Imre J. (ed.). Zagreb : Faculty of Organization and Informatics, 2002. 321-326 Link
  • 5. Ribarić, Slobodan; Hrkać, Tomislav; Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana.
    Model of Multi-agent System for Temporally Rich Domains // 10th International Conference on Microelectronics, Electronics and Electronic Technologies (MEET) ; 7th International Conference on Multimedia and Hypermedia Systems MMHS) ; 24th International Convention (MIPRO 2001) : proceedings conferences / Biljanovic, Petar ; Skala, Karolj (ed.). Rijeka : MIPRO, 2001. 20-25 Link
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